Our Values
All values and guiding principles for New Beginning Christian Church must be rooted in the scriptures (II Tim. 3:16-17, II Tim. 2:15).
1. Knowing God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ and living by His Word is the foundation of life.
We believe that the basis of the Christian faith is to know God through repentance for sin, receiving Jesus Christ as Lord, building an intimate relationship with Him, and being conformed into His image. God has declared us righteous through faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12, John 17:3, Rom. 8:29, II Cor. 5:21).
2. It is essential for every believer to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and be completely dependent on Him.
We recognize that we desperately need the person, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to minister effectively to our generation. Changed lives are not the product of men�s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit as modeled in the New Testament church (I Cor. 2:2-5, John 15:5). We believe it is essential for every believer to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and to pursue spiritual gifts (II Cor. 13:14, John 4:23-24).
3. The Great Commission will be completed through prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
We are committed to helping fulfill the Great Commission through prayer and fasting, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting locally, nationally, and internationally reaching both Jew and Gentile (Matt. 28:19-20, Matt. 6:5-18, Acts 1:8).
We are called to support others who are called as co-laborers, as churches are planted throughout the world. The Great Commission is fulfilled through tearing down spiritual strongholds of darkness and church planting (I Cor. 3:6-9, Matt. 11:12, II Cor. 10:3-4, Acts 14:21-23).
4. We deeply value the sacred covenant of marriage and the importance of training our children to know Christ.
It is our belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. Both marriage and family are instituted by God, and healthy, stable families are essential for the church to be effective in fulfilling its mission. Parents are called by God to walk in the character of Christ and to train their children in the nurture and loving discipline of the Lord Christ (Mark 10:6-8, Eph. 5:22-6:4).
The Lord is calling His people to walk in the fear of the Lord and in a biblical standard of holiness and purity. Marriage covenants are ordained by God and need to be honored and kept .We uphold the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. (Prov. 16:6, Mark 10:9, I Thess. 4:3-8, I Cor. 6:18-20).
5. We are committed to spiritual families, spiritual parenting and intergenerational connections.
Believing that our God is turning the hearts of the fathers and mothers to the sons and daughters in our day, we are committed to spiritual parenting on every level of church and ministry life (Mal. 4:5-6, I Cor. 4:15-17).
The small group is a group of believers and/or families who are committed to one another and to reach others for Christ. We believe the Lord desires to raise up spiritual families in many levels including small groups, congregations, apostolic movements and the kingdom of God (I Cor. 12:18, Eph. 4:16).
We believe each spiritual family needs to share common values, vision, goals, and a commitment to build together, with the need to receive ongoing training in these areas (Ps. 133, II Pet. 1:12-13, II Tim. 2:2).
We are committed to reaching, training and releasing young people as co-laborers for the harvest, as the young and the old labor together (Acts 2:17, Jer. 31:13).
6. Spiritual multiplication and reproduction must extend to every sphere of kingdom life and ministry.
Multiplication is expected and encouraged in every sphere of church life. Small groups should multiply into new small groups and churches should multiply into new churches. Church planting must be a long term goal of every congregation (Acts 9:31, Mark 4:20).
7. Relationships are essential in building God�s kingdom.
Serving others and building trust and relationships is a desired experience in every area of church life. We believe the best place to begin to serve and experience trust and relationship is in the small group (Acts 2:42-47, Eph. 4:16, Gal. 5:13). We are joined together primarily by God given family relationships, not by organization, hierarchy, or bureaucracy (I Peter 2:5).
8. Every Christian is both a priest and a minister.
According to the scriptures, every Christian is a priest who needs to hear from the Lord personally (Rev. 1:5-6). Every believer is called of God to minister to others and needs to be equipped for this work with the home as a center for ministry. Fivefold ministers are the Lord�s gifts to His church. He uses fivefold persons to help equip each believer to become an effective minister in order to build up the body of Christ (I Pet. 4:9, Eph. 4:11-12). We need to be constantly handing the work of ministry over to those we are serving so they can fulfill their call from the Lord (Titus 1:5, I Tim 4:12-14).
9. A servant�s heart is necessary for every leader to empower others.
We believe every sphere of leadership needs to include a clear servant-leader called by God and a team who is called to walk together. The leader has the anointing and responsibility to discern the mind of the Lord that is expressed through the leadership team (II Cor. 10:13-16, Num. 27:16, I Peter 5:1-4).
Leaders are called to listen to what the Lord is saying through those whom they serve as they model servant-leadership. They are called to walk in humility and integrity, in the fruit of the Spirit, and in the fear of the Lord (Acts 6:2-6, Acts 15, Matt. 20:26, Gal. 5:22-23).
We believe God raises up both apostolic overseers and partner church elders to direct, protect, correct and discipline the church. These leaders must model the biblical qualifications for leadership (Acts 15, Acts 6:1-4, I Tim. 3, Titus 1).
Those with other spiritual gifts including administrative gifts (ministry of helps) need to be released to fulfill the Lord�s vision on each level of church life (I Cor. 12).
In every area of church life we believe we need to submit to those who rule over us in the Lord and esteem them highly in love for their work�s sake (Heb. 13:17, I Thess. 5:12-13).
10. Biblical prosperity, generosity and integrity are essential to kingdom expansion.
Biblical prosperity is God�s plan to help fulfill the Great Commission. The principle of the tithe is part of God�s plan to honor and provide substance for those He has placed over us in spiritual authority. Those who are over us in the Lord are responsible for the proper distribution of the tithe and offerings (III John 2, Matt. 23:23, Heb. 7:4-7, Mal. 3:8-11, Acts 11:29-30). We believe in generously giving offerings to support individuals, churches, and ministries of like polity inside and outside of the New Beginning family.
We believe that every area of ministry and church life needs to be responsible financially and accountable to those giving them oversight in order to maintain a high standard of integrity. Spiritual leaders receiving a salary from the church are discouraged from setting their own salary level (Gal. 6:5, Rom. 15:14, I Thess. 5:22, II Cor. 8:20-21).
11. The gospel compels us to send missionaries to the unreached and help those least able to meet their own needs.
Jesus instructs us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth to those who have never heard. Our mission is to reach the unreached areas of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending trained missionaries and through church planting. Together we join with the body of Christ to reach the unreached (Matt. 24:14, Acts 1:8, Acts 13:1-4, II Cor. 10:15-16).
We are also called to help the poor and needy, those in prison, orphans and widows which are of the faith. This includes our reaching out to the poor locally, nationally and internationally. When we help the poor, both materially and spiritually, we are lending to the Lord (Deut. 14:28, 29, Deut. 26: 10-12, Matt. 25:31-46, James 1:27, Prov. 19:17).
12. We are called to build the kingdom together with the entire body of Christ.
Our focus is on the kingdom of God, recognizing our small group to be our local church, and New Beginning Christian Church is just one small part of God�s kingdom. We are called to link together with other groups in the body of Christ and pursue unity in His church as we reach the world together (Matt. 6:33, Eph. 4:1-6, John 17, Ps. 133).
We wish to see God�s kingdom come not just in and through the church, but in all areas of life. Therefore, we are called to minister in the church, the family, government, the arts, education, business and the media, so that all such spheres come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and reflect the values of His kingdom. (Matt. 6:10)
We believe in utilizing and sharing the resources of people and materials the Lord has blessed us with. This includes the fivefold ministry, missions, leadership training, and other resources the Lord has entrusted to us (I Cor. 12, Acts 2:44-45).
Our unifying focus is on Christ, His Word and the Great Commission, and we believe we should not be distracted by minor differences (Romans 14:5).
New Beginning Christian Church is a family of believers diverse in culture but sharing a God-given vision, Godly values, mission and commitment to start and nurture churches and ministries.
God has called us to be people of prayer, to make disciples, to reach those who need to know Jesus and to advance the Kingdom of God. We stand together with the body of Christ to proclaim Jesus as Lord and bring glory to Him.
We declare our victory in Emmanuel (God with us) as we experience living out the promise of the Kingdom of God and transforming our world in His name.
Our Vision
The Bible tells us without a vision the people perish (Prov. 29:18). Our vision is to build a relationship with Jesus and with one another, and transform our world from house to house, city to city and nation to nation. We are called by God to be a family of churches connected through relationship; living out God�s plan for us and transforming our world. New beginning Christian Church is called to keep actively involved in what the Lord is doing in the world today. We desire to empower, train, and release God�s people at the grass roots level to fulfill His purposes. Jesus values people, and He has called us to see the Father working in those whom the Lord has placed in our lives.
In order to contribute the most to God�s overall purpose for us, we are committed to continuing the wholehearted pursuit of the Lord and the specific vision and calling that He has given us: to build the church with an underground feel and focus in the nations of the world. This focus is fulfilled as small groups of believers, committed to the Lord and to each other.
Our goal is to love Jesus, love His people and love a broken world. May Jesus Christ be honored and glorified as together we experience living the Kingdom of God and transforming our world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ as Lord, obey His Word, and to encourage and equip each believer for the work of ministry. This mission will essentially be accomplished by the threefold mandate God has given us: prayer, evangelism and discipleship.
Prayer: In prayer we worship God; we bring our needs and the needs of the world to Him, and we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us, to empower us and to reveal to us His specific strategies for fulfilling the Great Commission.
Discipleship: Engaging in discipleship, we build relationship with and care for one another, training each other in godliness and good works, so that we would all be mature disciples engaged in the threefold mission of prayer, discipleship and evangelism. Discipleship thus becomes ongoing, as those who have been trained, in turn, train and disciple others.
Evangelism: Through evangelism we seek to make known the glory of God and the name of Christ through verbal proclamation, publishing, the arts, acts of compassion and service, both to our own neighbors and cities, and also by going to the peoples of the world in cross-cultural mission. We desire to see children, youth and adults come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, the un-evangelized hear the good news and churches planted in all nations.
We engage in this mission in humility, with dependence on God, and in cooperation with all brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, working for unity in all that we do.
I know it's unlikely that you are searching the Chamber Web Site for a Church but I want you to know we are here. We offer a very different worship experience; not so much in substance but in our location. We offer premarital and personal spiritual counseling, and support groups. I want you all to know that I love you with the love of the Lord even if we've never met. If you haven't been to church with us for a while or if you've never visited, isn't it time? We will share an uplifting message this coming Sunday. The only one missing is you. Call me or text for our new location. May the Lord bless you.
We have been providing help to the homeless and poor by providing job leads through our Job bank,(If you are seeking a good employee please let us know about your opening). We maintain a list for low income and homeless people of the many public and private services which are available to them.
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