Chris Gomberg is a California licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and Certified Professional Retirement Coach (CPRC). Chris obtained his master�s in education/counseling and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Vermont and has been in the work/life, employee assistance program (EAP) field for nearly 40 years.
As an EAP Counselor, Chris has worked with thousands of employees and their family members when they have sought professional help for work, family or personal concerns. Several years ago, Chris turned his attention to developing a coaching program to help employees with concerns about their retirement transition.
In the process of developing the pre-retirement coaching program, Chris realized he had a real passion for coaching and assisting people who wanted to enhance their retirement planning. With a focus the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, Chris is helping pre-retirement and retirement clients manage their next chapter of their life. It is, after all, more than just about the money!
Chris has presented at local and national conferences as well as many workshops on such topics as Personal and Work Change Management, Balancing a Personal and Professional Life, Positive Psychology, Stress Management and Building Resiliency, and Retirement Transition.
Chris has provided Employee Assistance Program (EAP) consulting services for several Fortune 500 companies including 3M, Mattel, and Health Net and worked at Cedars-Sinai�s Work and Life Matters/EAP both as director of the EAP and as a Work/Life Specialist, providing direct client services. Chris is certified in Critical Incident Stress Management and is licensed by the Institute of HeartMath� as a Coach and Certified Trainer in stress reduction.
Addressing the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual side of retirement.
West Valley Warner Center Chamber of Commerce
Retirement Coaching Association (RCA)
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA)
San Fernando Valley EAPA (SFVEAPA)
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